
Freedom Friday 16 July 2021 :

- possible early arrival

- dinner and fireside yarns 

Solid Sisters Saturday 17 July 2021 :

- breakfast 

- 8.15am walk to the pools for Frog Medicine

- 8.30am warm Hydrotherapy Session

- 1pm lunch back at the house  

- 3pm Each One Teach One 

- 6.30pm Native Christmas Dinner 

- Jinda Film - Private Screening Test for Community Feedback with the Solid Sisters

Solidarity Sunday:

- Scenic Rim Road Trip


Freedom Friday 22 Feb 2019

- possible early check in / 2pm onwards check in (for those arriving a day early)

- 6.30pm Dinner.

Solid Sisters Saturday 23 Feb 2019

- 9am (or so) Breakfast.

- 10am Solid Sisters Introductions and Each One Teach One Sessions

- 1pm Native Christmas Lunch.
- 2pm Each One Teach One

- 4pm a Welcome Dance and Dadirri with Ginibi Balandah on Saltwater Country.
    - 6.30pm Tukka Time.
- 7.30pm Solid Screening.  

Sunday Rest and Relax 24 Feb 2019  

- Breakfast.  
- 10am Portrait Photography 
- 11am Each One Teach One.  
- 1pm Lunch.  
- 1.30pm Each One Teach One or Free Time.  
- 3pm High Tea.  
- 6.30pm Dinner.   

Saturday 2 March 2019  

- Solid Screening at Lismore Womens Festival.  

2018 Program:

Freedom Friday 9 Feb 2018

- 2pm onwards check in (for those arriving a day early)

6.30pm Dinner.

Solid Sisters Saturday 10 Feb 2018

- 9am (or so) Neo Blend Breakfast.

- 10am* meet up *if you want to lock your luggage away before 2pm check in.

- 10.30am Ladies Brunch, at Mervyn Roys Cafe, 169 Golden Four Drive, Bilinga.

- 2pm Solid Sisters Check in at Bilinga Beach Motel, 281 Golden Four Drive.

- 4pm a Welcome Dance and Dadirri with Ginibi Balandah on Saltwater Country.

- 6.30pm Tukka Time.

- 7.30pm Solid Screening. Screen Culture from Australia and Mexico. Solid Screen is partnering with our Mayan cousins from the Kayche Festival in Mexico, to include some short films, Semilla and Yucatan Feminicida 

- 9pm Each One Teach One Sessions.

Sunday Rest and Relax 11 Feb 2018

- Breakfast.

- 10am Portrait Photography > Tribal Cine Militant Femme.

- 11am Each One Teach One.

- 12.30pm Lunch.

- 1.30pm Each One Teach One or Free time.

- 3pm High Tea.

- 6.30pm Native Christmas Mexican Style.

- 7.30pm Solid Screening, with premiere introduction of short film 

Movement Monday 12 Feb 2018

- Breakfast.

- 10am Checkout

- a final swim before hitting the road maybe? :)

2016 Program:

Screen Family Friday 9 September 2016

come early to soak up the good energy of this sacred saltwater country. 
feel free to relax and we will also have activities throughout the day.

- 10.30 / 11am check in at Tallebudgera Education Centre.

- 12.30pm - 1.30pm Lunch at Tallebudgera Education Centre.

- afternoon Water Sports - Tallebudgera Beach.

- 2.25pm - 3pm Afternoon Tea - Tallebudgera Education Centre.

- 5pm late afternoon Cultural Performances at Tallebudgera Creek waters edge - Dubay Dancers and Yoyo Tuki.

- 6pm early evening > Solid Screen Festival : a community screening at Tallebudgera Education Centre. Yugambeh Welcome to Country by Linda Biumaiawai.

- 8pm Solid Sisters Dinner at Tallebudgera Surf Life Saving Club.

Map here
Tallebudgera Education Centre (left), Burleigh Heads National Park (right)

 Solidarity Saturday 10 September 2016

- Breakfast from 7.30am

- 8.30am Checkout 

- Guided walk to Jabreen, Burleigh Headland.

- 10.30am Depart Tallbudgera to drive to Numbinbah Valley.

- 12.30pm Native Christmas lunch at Numinbah Valley Education Centre.

- Each One Teach One Sessions.

- 6.30pm Dinner

- Yarning by the fire.

theres a map here
Numinbah Valley Education Centre

Bloody Sunday 11 September 2016
- 9am Breakfast. 

Photobooth Portraits. Theme >>> Tribal Cine Militant Femme. 

- 12.30pm Lunch.

- Mystery Tour.

- 6.30pm Dinner.

- Each One Teach One.

- Yarning by the fire.

Movement Monday 11 September 2016

- Breakfast.

- 10am Checkout

- Road Trip


-> in 2015 SOLID SCREEN was toured in Mexico, Hawaii, New Zealand and Cairns as celebratory events to mark 15 years of cyberTribe.

2014 Program:

Seeya on Saturday 19 July 2014

- arrive into Cairns and stay overnight - Holloways Beach.

- sunset drinks 

- dinner and fire, yarning by the beach.
Holloways Beach
Festivus Sunday 20 July 2014 

-   8 til 9am Breakfast.

-   10.30am Depart Holloways Beach to drive to Innot Hot Springs.

-   12.30pm stopping for a snack break at Atherton International Club.
-   4pm Welcome to Country. 
Mbarbaram Welcome to Country : Innot Hot Springs
-   6pm onwards : SOLID SCREEN FESTIVAL : open for the Community.  
Live Band, Wood fired Pizza Dinner, Popcorn and Photobooth.
2014 SOLID SCREEN Festival - featuring Mbarrbarram Traditional Owners, Jirrbal Band from Ravenshoe and district
- brief introductions about the screening work from Michelle Derosier, r e a, Hiona Henare, Michelle Blakeney, Lily Shearer, Madeline Hodge and Fiona Foley.

Bloody Monday 21 July 2014 

- 8am Breakfast
- 9.30 til 11.30 am : photo booth portraits
Wazana and May
Innot Hot Springs
- 12.30pm Lunch talk : a brief history for gadget girlsby Michael Petersen of the Herberton Spy Camera Museum  
- 2pm each one teach one
r e a : each one teach one
- interviews.

- 7pm Native Christmas in July Dinner
accompanied with tunes programmed by Rhianna Patrick. 
- fire, yarning and music.

Chooseday 22 July 2014

- 8am Breakfast.

each one teach one.
Charmaine Green : Each One Teach One
- 12.30pm Lunch time talk with Marley Sharp.
Marley Sharp : Live Your Dreams Productions 
- recommendations.

- interviews.

hosted by Nickeema Williams.
Nickeema Williams
- yarning by the fire.

Way Out Wednesday 23 July 2014

- DIY breakfast. 

- 10.30am VIP Bus departs Innot Hot Springs for Cairns.

- first stop, Millstream Falls for a photo opportunity.
- then a cuppa and soup break at Ravenshoe.
SOLID Sisters in Town at Popular Cafe, Ravensoe
the lookout on the way down the Kuranda Range

SOLID SCREEN was also featured the official 2014 onedge festival program



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